Monday, February 27, 2012

Volt ride and Jane is Six

Mike has a Volt for the week.  We took it out to dinner tonight, and it seems really cool.  Jane is six!  She had a pretty eventful day, presents before breakfast this morning, flowers delivered from Grandma Sandee and Grandpa Mike.  Lunch out with Grandma Debbie and Dave. Birthday card from Uncle Baird and Aunt Amy for a build-a-bear outfit showed up today as well.  She picked the sushi place for dinner, and they sang to her and she got ice cream with a candle.  I love that our kid picks a sushi place as her favorite restaurant! I think she's almost getting more adventurous than I am as far as trying different sushi, but she doesn't like the spicy ones. She also got a helium balloon from the dollar store afterwards (as that was the concession for not going to Red Robin as we have in past years--'I like the balloons better than the food'. Ha.)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

P.H. House Tour

Made a quick run to check out a house Jen + Brian are interested in and had lunch afterwards.  Jane was soo excited to have a little time with Averie!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Quick lunch of grilled cheese heart sandwiches and soup, and a little last minute valentines stuff tonight.   Girls got a couple of trinkets and little cards from us, and ones from the mail from Grandma Sandee and Grandma Nomi.  We're excited about having a party with friends tomorrow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birthday, it's a Birthday...

Had a great day around the house with the kiddos.  Had an early breakfast out with Mike and dinner out last night.  The girls spent the night with Grandma Debbie, fun for everyone.  Mike and the girls made me brownies, and Jane insisted upon candles.