Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Appointment morning...started off with visit to one of the o.b.'s at my midwife's practice. I need to meet both of the drs in case they are on call. Pretty quick and routine visit, and I'm sure she'll be fine if she's the one who delivers our baby, but I'm definitely glad I'm seeing my midwife instead. Just way more personable and spends a lot more time. Anyway, heartbeat sounded good and everything looks to be fairly on track for the due date. Off from that to our 21 week ultrasound...waiting room was packed, but we didn't have to wait too long. (Which was good b/c Jane should have stayed home in bed--cranky, whiney, cried off on on the whole ride down to yipsi, not friendly in the office, ugh.)

Anyway, ultrasound went good, got to see the baby moving around a bit, she seemed to think everything looked good. Had to roll on my side so she could get all the chambers of the heart because baby wouldn't move, but everything looks good so far. She had us close our eyes when she checked out the kidneys we will find out the sex in May! We didn't close our eyes with Jane, she just moved fast, so it was kind of funny to know that we could've peeked.

Here's a few poses--starting from the top left moving to the right-the spine, head and spine, baby's head and arm, baby's head and knee.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Day After Christmas...

Whew...tired today. Been up til midnight last 3 nights in a row, I think and it's definitely catching up. Couple of videos to share here...Daddy/uncle Mike playing 'monster' which is one of Jane's favorite games, and I think it might be Averie's new fav as well. And when we got home this evening, we put together Jane's honeybee hop toy...kind of a stationary jumprope thing. She's definitely going to burn off some energy with this.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in P.H.

We headed for Port Huron this afternoon. No napping in the car...well, I did for 20 minutes, but not Jane. We were a little worried, but she had a ton of fun playing with Cassidy, and ate her dinner on a bar stool and played with the kids. Headed back to Jenny & Brian's and we did Christmas presents, little touch and go as both girls were rapidly getting tired. Jane wanted to sleep in the playpen (surprise to me!), and she ended up going to sleep in it all night. Such a big girl last few nights. Check out the video of Jane and Averie's dance-a-thon:

Christmas Morning

We made it home last night and got everything under the tree. Jane slept all night in her bed!! And she got up and came to get us for Santa... She was pretty cute walking into the room and checking out her new toys.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Marathon/Fun

We've started our Christmas trek around Michigan. First stop--Schoolcraft to Mom's house. Jane helped decorate the tree last night--lots of garland--and some on Kaydo as well as the tree.
Highlights of today--marshmallow gun fight and Amy's croissants. Great afternoon and lots of fun presents and great to see Baird and Amy before they head to China.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Finally starting to get more frequent baby movements. Had some here and there more towards the beginning of the month, but then wasn't noticing as much. Which is kind of freaky, since once I feel something, I want to feel it all the time because it's reassuring! But had quite a bit this morning, and more repetitive, which is kind of new too. Mostly I've had a little wiggle here and there and not much repeating at the same time, but getting more frequent--hence getting bigger probably! I'm pretty excited to have Jane be able to feel the baby move, but probably will be at least a few more weeks before it's strong enough for her to really feel.

We got a TON of snow on friday--like probably around 10" at least. Most I've seen in quite awhile. Mike spent the day trying to get his car out...once you slide off our driveway, it's all over. Slinky came to help pull him out, and we've got his car and my truck down up past the incline in the driveway, so hopefully we can get out tomorrow. Supposed to get a little more snow over the next few days. Weee. Few more things to pick up for Christmas, but doing pretty good. It's going to be a crazy week...we head for K'zoo on the 23rd as soon as Mike is home from work. Spend the night and have Christmas with my fam on the 24th, then head home that afternoon/early evening and finish up last minute details here. Our fam christmas on the morning of the 25th, then off to P.H. for Christmas dinner with Mike's side. Spend the night with Jenny & Brian, and head home sometime the 26th. Then we'll go to Debbie's on the 27th for the rest of Mike's side. Whew. Then we will stay home for a week and sleep...haha. Should be fun, I think Jane will have a blast this year, assuming she can make it through all the travel and excitement without shutting down.

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Layouts

Couple of new layouts...still trying to finish up summer photos! And I finished my layout for January Pagemaps, keep your eye out in January for that, I'm pretty excited to have a layout on such a fun site.

Both of these are going to Scraptales store in Brighton, as my design team work.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Cookies Everywhere!

Well, I think we got more than the 1 inch of snow we were supposed to get! Luckily everyone from this side of the state made it here. Mom and Grandma were a bit snowed in over in K'zoo. Lots of yummy cookies and fun to have the 3 kids running around. Check out the dancing moves...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Busy Week.

Spent most of this week getting ready for the cookie party on saturday. Crossing fingers for decent weather tomorrow. We went outside to cut down our tree this afternoon. Love the charlie brown tree...not sure what we'll do next year, I think we've exhausted the supply around our property. Worked on some cookies with Jane's help, she crushed some candy canes for me. Jane and Gram D went to the nutcracker ballet this evening. Sounds like it was a great show.