I got a sore throat last friday, and still fighting through the cold. I was really hoping to make it through the rest of this pregnancy without getting sick. Ugh. It's been a long week, not sleeping and not feeling good. Mike stayed home yesterday, so I did get some rest. Lots of errands and things like that. Really have hit the tired stage of pregnancy. If I go somewhere in the morning, pretty much does me in for the day. Baby is feeling really heavy, kind of thinking it would be easier to carry the munchkin
outside of my body! Lots and lots of movement, we're at the belly as an ocean stage. And vaguely creepy body parts bumping out. Met the other dr from

the practice last night. She's pretty nice. She kind of seemed to think the baby was big--but said I'm measuring right where I should be, so guess everything is on track. Baby is head down, but she said not that low yet, so certainly not imminent. I'm not 'ready' for baby to come home, but I'm starting to feel a little more antsy about baby not being in my tummy.
Stayed home today, which was nice. Jane did a little painting, it's funny how we don't do it for awhile and her style totally changes again.
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