Saturday, May 29, 2010

Whooo's hiking??

Went to the Howell Nature Center today for a little hike with the girls, Gram Deb & Dave. Just a beautiful morning and both girls really had fun. We walked at least a mile, and Jane did great (although she was 'hungry' for most of the trip, probably because she knew I had banana muffins and watermelon in the backpack pocket). Backpack (and I) made it up and down some hills pretty easily; I haven't really worn it much off of straight terrain, so kind of fun to do a little more than walk around the neighborhood. Lots of animals to check out, and so many pretty owls, which I love. Super cute porcupine was ready to come home with Jane.

Best comment of the day from we're looking at this sad deer laying down in his enclosure...but how do we cut him up? (meaning how do we get meat, etc) Mmm hmm, that's my girl.

Looks like we might make it at least through the parade on Monday before rain, whoo hoo.

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