Well, Mom & Dad came to visit over the weekend. Jane got to go with them to see The Cat and the Fiddlers-a local kids group that plays bluegrass, etc. It was at our little music hall in Hartland. She 'had' to wear her new dress from Grandma, and was just too adorable. They stayed at the concert for a good 2 hours, which is some amazing attention span for a not quite 3 year old. Sounds like they all had a blast. Mom also decided that she wanted to 'borrow' Jane for the week. We'll get her when we go to Allegan for Thanksgiving at Gram Jo & Gramp Don's. Wow, so now I have no excuses to not get things done. It's a little quiet around here, and it's almost so exciting to have a little time to myself that I'm not quite sure that I know what to do! Hoping that we can get the kitchen all painted and put pack together before we head out for Thanksgiving. Should be easier to be a little more efficient without our little 'helper.' I am getting some scrapbooking done, working on some calendar pages from a swap. Too much fun. Well, back to laundry, I will get caught up, I will get caught up, I will get caught up!
Oh--and holy snow batman. I thought we were supposed to maybe get an inch today, but I think we've already got that in the last hour or so.
Tropical Protein Greens Smoothie
14 hours ago
Hey! I nominated you for a blog award since I love coming here so much! You can check out my blog for more info! Keep up the beautiful work you do! Thanks! :)
How is your energy level? What color are you painting the kitchen??
If only I could scrap like you and be organized like you!!
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