First appt this afternoon. Didn't realize I would get to see my midwife, but I did. So, got all the info, and she did an ultrasound since
I've had spotting. So nice to get a little reassurance. I'm such a stressball about this stuff, hard to relax and not worry constantly. She figured May 6th as a due date based on dates, but thought the baby might look more like 6 weeks right now instead of 8 weeks. Will do another ultrasound at the appt next week to see if we can see more. But--she saw a heartbeat and I think I saw the flutter too. Good stuff. Oh--the two little + marks are wher the baby is...I know, not the best pic and not the best photo of it in the first place!

Enjoying reading as the "story" unfolds. Great way to share your experience with all of us! to this....."anonymous" would be me....Debbie.
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