We met up with Mindy's fam at Binder Park Zo

o for their Zoo Boo. Kids had a great time...not sure how many animals we saw, but they got to trick-o-treat! Which I'm sure Jane will remember next time we go to a zoo...hey, where's the candy?


Jane and Bruce got along great, Jane dragging him along places. Penny rode a bunch in the backpack, and walked a little towards the end. I'd take her out more, but once she's out, she's not as excited about

getting back in! She did hold her bag for the trick-o-treating which was super cute, and makes me excited

to see her with her plastic pumpkin next weekend!
Nolan is a serious cutie! He was just chillin and smiling for most of the afternoon.

We went on a carousel ride, which we've done before with Jane, but she

was super freaked out, clutching my hand the entire time. She later told me that the one at the mall by Gram Sandee has seatbelts, and this one did NOT. They are kind of big animals for little kids!
Next, we went on a hayride. It was longer than I expected, and it was all through the woods and super pretty fall colors. We found the reptile house after that. I'm not saying I wan

t a boa constrictor around, but I like these better than little snakes in my HOUSE. I think. Still creepy though, they were HUGE. We tried to wait for a balloon animal for the kids...massive fail. Not a good system. Make kids and parents wait in a long line for one clown lady, then after you've been waiting for 15 minutes + announce that they will probably be taking a break soon. And that you can stay and watch a 15 minute show and then get back in line. We dragged the big ones away with the lure of popcorn. Kind of sucked, but a hour for a balloon animal that will probably be destroyed in 5

minutes or less? Nuntuh.
Hotdog factory for dinner. Dinner of champions...but it was on the way out, and I knew Penny was going to crash if we drove very far, and we wanted to save that for the trip home!
Great day with the Benzlers, and another beautiful fall afternoon.