Penny is getting older, and we're having our share of sibling disagreements. BUT--we're also getting lots and lots of love. These two really make me get a little sappy sometimes. They love each other so much, and they are both so young; I love that they already have this bond. I read somewhere that one of the b

est things for girls (now and when they're adults) is to grow up with a sister. Penny just started hugging Jane this morning, so sweet!!
Next to Christmas, I think Halloween is probably my

fav. Just such fun colors and fun things to do, and really, it lasts for way more than just one day! Jane has been missing her cousin Averie, so we convinced Aunt Jenny to bring the girls and Gr

andpa Ron for a vis

it today. Such a perfect day for picking pumpkins, hee hee. Girls were running all over the place. There w

as a creepy clown that sang a song and it's head came 'off'; girls thought that was pretty fun, even though us adults were a little weirded out with our 4 and under crowd watching it. They probably would have kept hitting the button for it to go again for another hour if we would have let them. Sheer morbid fascination. We went to Dietrichs as it is our little family tradition, and there were a ton more pumpkins this year. (I think we waited too long last year!) Got a bumpy one for Penny, Jane picked out a cute little one for herself, and Mike and I got some with cool stems.
Jenny got some good ones for her fam, and we had to get two wagons to

tote them all around in. The big ones are HEAVY. Penny took care of dragging one wagon for us, thank goodness.
Two babies without naps, and I saw a bus admist the crazyness at Spicers, so we headed home. Big girls played outside, and had a relaxing (hahaha-4 kids) and nice dinner. Good to have some cousin time, we wish we all lived much closer.
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