Penny has been teething all week; I can feel a little molar coming in, a

nd she’s getting more of her front teeth poking through as well. The heat hasn’t helped anyone. We forgot to pack any Tylenol to help take the edge off, and she woke up in the middle of the night kind of peeved about it. She wants to nurse all night, and I was getting kind of tired, too. We finally got re-settled, but it was nice to sleep in a bit while Jane looked after Gram Sandee and Gramp Mike (haha). Of course, once we got up, the mad rush began. Mike and Dad had to load the tractor (weee-the tractor is finished and the lawn can be mowed—without the pushmower!), and I had to re-pack and get the girls put together. We finally got on the road-with Dad riding the middle between the girls, which really isn’t that bad. Jane was pretty exc

ited to do a little fishing with Heidi once we got there. She caught a couple of big fish today! We had a nice lunch, fun to see all the different things everyone brings. Penny was pretty cranky for most of the day. She slept the whole trip out, but probably should not have woke

n up when we got there. A big rainstorm ended up blowing in, so we didn't go swimming. It was probably for the better that we didn't stay as late as la

st year; Jane and Penny were both asleep before we were out to main roads, and slept most of the trip home (as did i!). Nice to be home and to have a few weekends free before we pack up again for the Laber cottage weekend in P.H. at the end of the month. Laundry here I come!
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